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Why Iridology?

Iridology is a non-invasive, natural healing modality that was developed centuries ago, used around the world.

Information from the beautiful iris is unique to each person. Markings in the fibers do not determine disease but indicate areas of potential health weakness- informing lifestyle change or dietary choices. It can help in recognizing the predispositions we inherited from our ancestors. An iridologist can guide you in adjusting your lifestyle and diet, to improve overall body condition for you and generations after you.  

Can Iridology see if I have heart problems?

The iris can provide insight into genetic and family-related cardiovascular history. Iridology may indicate potential cardiovascular risk, but it is not a diagnostic tool for heart conditions. It is important to consult with a medical doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment of any heart-related issues.

Can an Iridology have information about any eye sight problems?

Consult an eye specialist like an optometrist ophthalmologist for any vision problems. Seek professional advice for your vision health.

How Can an Iridologist Interpret the Markings and Colors on the Iris Chart?

Iridologists interpret the markings and colors on the iris chart using a comprehensive system of analysis that takes into account the location, size, and shape of the markings.

Why is Iridology considered a pseudo science?

Some form of iris analysis has been practiced for over 3,000 years. It is utilized in the healthcare practices in technologically developed nations as well as developing nations worldwide. In the early part of the 20th century, iridology was practiced and advanced by medical doctors.


Attempts to discredit iridology have been made by trying to fit it into the conventional allopathic medical model. In this biased attempt, the fundamental principles of iridology have been ignored.

Since each eye is different, as are we, therefore claims supported by research studies that could in testing establish equality on another person with the same outcome cannot be implemented. Therefore, finding markings in the iris and sclera is used as a guide in asking questions that direct the Iridologist to recommend a lifestyle to the client or refer to a specific search.

As an example, a trained professional iridologist can see a weak kidney or heart in that iris reflex area long before the individual ever has any signs of a health issue. This is a naturopathic approach to health, and thus, illness prevention. 

The good news is that many medical doctors and educated people from other healthcare disciplines are beginning to realize the benefits of iridology and preventive healthcare again. Two nations that are well known for their science and technology are Germany and Russia. Iridology has been openly researched and practiced by medical doctors and others in various healthcare fields for over a century in Germany and in Russia since the end of World War II.

Based on studies conducted by studying the iris and sclera, their shapes, colors, and the markings on them, these marks confirmed the links between organs and ailments that the client could have, according to genetic predisposition.

What Iridology Can Do?

  • Iridology can reveal the inherent strengths and deficiencies of organs, glands and tissues. Inherently weak organs do not utilize nutrients as well as they should, nor do they have the ability to discharge toxicity.

  • It can show the potential ability of an organ to react to illness. White raised signs can show a potential for irritability and or possible inflammation.

  • It can show (through the color of the iris and genetic patterns) certain foods that a person could have difficulty digesting or utilizing.

  • It can show from the pupil border, areas of the spine that may have subluxations.

  • It can show potential central and autonomic nervous system imbalances and circulatory disturbances.

  • It can indicate potential connective tissues weakness and a tendency for varicose veins, hiatal hernias, hemorrhoids, or scoliosis.

  • It can indicate potential for glandular deficiencies.

  • It can indicate there is a potential for high uric acid levels, serum cholesterol levels and lymphatic congestion.

  • It can be used for parents to guide their families in the best nutritional plan for each member of their family.

Is Iridology suitable for children and babies?

Iridology is a safe and effective practice that can benefit anyone over the age of two. It is especially important for children, as early iris imaging can help monitor their health and wellbeing as they grow. By using iridology, you can take proactive steps towards ensuring a healthy and long life for and your loved ones.

How do I get an Iris Analysis?

If you're interested in the Iris Analysis, we offer virtual consultations for your convenience. To ensure the best results, please schedule your consultation at least a week in advance and send us high-quality photos of both of your eyes via text or email.

During the consultation, we will spend about an hour discussing what was found in the iris and sclera. Based on the analysis, we provide personalized recommendations to support your health.


The recommendations can include things like dietary and lifestyle modifications, tools and techniques that may work specifically for you, helpful herbs, essential oils, acupressure points and/or complementary therapies that may benefit you (like chiropractor, massage, sauna, etc.).

Each recommendation is so different from any other since we are all so unique!

Does the iris change?

  • Fibers may appear lighter or darker.

  • A cholesterol ring (Corneal Arcus) may form and is a lipemic ring.

  • A pigment may gradually appear, but usually before 7 or 8 years old.

  • Pupil size and shape may change giving the appearance of iris change.

  • Pupils may flatten or become distorted.

  • Transversals may appear and they may become vascularized.

The iris is “accumulative, not dispersive” says Toni Miller, Integrated Iridology. We gain new markings during the course of our lives, but the structure and color stay basically the same. Irises can appear lighter or darker due to the fluids (Aqueous Humor) of the eye, which are 98% water.

I'm here to help you with any questions or concerns you may have.

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